Thank you for using Geo King

This privacy policy is intended to inform you about how we handle information and to assure you of our commitment to protecting your privacy.

Data Collection:

Geo King is committed to not collecting, storing, or using personally identifiable information from its users. No information such as your identity, address, or other personal information will be solicited.


It is not necessary to log in to play Geo King. Only leaderboards require a connection to GameCenter, managed by Apple.

Usage Data:

Anonymous data may be collected to improve the application's functionality. This data is aggregated and does not allow for your personal identification.


Geo King does not use cookies. Our approach is privacy-respectful, excluding any intrusive tracking.

Information Sharing:

No information will be shared with third parties. Your privacy is our priority. Only anonymous information such as levels played may be used for statistical purposes.


We implement rigorous security measures to protect your data. Our commitment is to ensure the security and integrity of the information you share with us.

Minor Users:

Minor users are advised to consult and obtain consent from their parents or guardians before using the application.